The primary cause of my balance disorders was the failure of the vestibular organ after a three-week-long therapy with the antibiotic Gentamycin. This drug damages the cilia, the sensory epithelium inside the semicircular canals.

After my heart surgery, I was no longer able to stand and could only walk a few steps at a time with the help of a rollator. With intensive physiotherapy and occupational therapy, I learned step-by-step to move without a rollator. Without optical fixation while walking, I was neither able to walk straight nor in a circle.

I had already been diagnosed with Vestibularisparoxysmie in 2016, in an ambulance in Sensheim, by Dr. Med. Sch. A loop of the aorta had crossed the vestibular nerve. This could have been due to a fall in blood pressure at an earlier point, during heart surgery. In the ambulance, a failure of the semicircular canals was excluded as far as possible. In addition to a questionable drug treatment, physiotherapy and ergotherapy were particularly recommended.

Now, three years later, I have been able to test the ReMoD, which is in its trial period for hemiparesis patients, on myself. From the first day, I was already able to walk much better. I suddenly succeeded in walking in a circle without optical fixation. My learning results improved daily.

The device is connected to two pairs of electrodes, which are attached to the shoulder. Two sensors are integrated in a vest worn on the upper body. These sensors send impulses to my shoulder when I sway sideways. When I walk upright and straight, I do not notice anything. I wear the device every day for about an hour in the morning, during ergo- and physiotherapy.

Since beginning my daily training with the ReMoD, I have noticed great improvements in my walk. I can talk while walking and walking in a circle is getting easier every day. However, short breaks are continuously required, since “normal” walking movements are still very exhausting. In the dark, walking remains problematic, which continues to speak for a clear involvement of the eyes. For me, the ReMoD has brought a significant boost to my quality of life after 2 months of use.

Unclear – was the drug questionable (i.e. not trustworthy)?